昨日、Lotte Hotel Saigonで開催されたレストラン・サプライヤー様向けの和牛PRイベントに参加致しました。
今年もNexus Vietnamを宜しくお願い致します。
Yesterday, I participated in a Wagyu PR event for restaurants and suppliers held at the Lotte Hotel Saigon.
I was very honored to be invited as a representative of Wagyu beef suppliers in the midst of so many competitors.
In 2025, Japanese food is expected to become even more popular.
Procurement of food ingredients is the foundation to support restaurants.
I would like to continue my efforts this year by taking more risks than anywhere else, procuring the best products at the lowest possible prices, and ensuring stable procurement and quicker response times than anywhere else.
This year, our philosophy is “One is all, and all is one.
We will do the small things steadily, one for all, and continue to be the No. 1 importer of Japanese beef in Vietnam, which we achieved last year.
We look forward to your continued support for Nexus Vietnam this year.